Doctoral School of Chemical Sciences - ED 222
The Doctoral School of Chemical Sciences provides doctoral training in chemistry through research and innovation. It brings together 250 doctoral students under the supervision of 150 lecturers and researchers. They work within 10 research units on the Esplanade, Cronenbourg and Illkirch campuses.
Véronique Bulach
École doctorale sciences chimiques
Collège doctoral européen (CDE)
46 boulevard de la Victoire
67000 Strasbourg
Secretary: Nathalie Bossé
Tél : 03 68 85 17 29
E-mail :
Office hours:
Monday and Tuesday from 8:30 to 12:00, Wedenesday from 8:00 to 13:00, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00
Website :
Doctoral programmes
- Chemistry
- Analytical chemistry
- Biological and therapeutical chemistry
- Materials chemistry
- Polymers chemistry
- Computational and theroretical chemistry
- Molecular chemistry – supramolecular chemistry
- Physical chemistry
- Biophysics
- Physical chemistry
- Nanophysics
- Condensed matter physics
- Elementary particles physics
Pharmaceutical sciences
- Health law and economics
- Pharmaco-chemistry
- Pharmacology - Pharmacocinetics
- Toxicology