Facts and figures

Student population

Since 2010-2011, the student population at the University of Strasbourg has been constantly increasing: 46 627 students enrolled with us for the academic year 2014-2015, among which 6178 freshmen. Unistra also attracts more and more international students, who represent about 20% of the student population.

Total student population : 46 627


Student enrollment


Distribution of students by type of degree

Distribution of students by field of study


International students enrolled at Unistra: 9 062, i.e. 19,4% of the total student population


Distribution of international students by region of origin

Our stakeholders

  • 2 778 lecturers and lecturers-researchers
  • 2 033 library, engineering, administration, technical and health staff
  • 4 856 independant contractors
  • 37 education and research departments (UFR), faculties, schools and institutes
  • 72 research units (UPRUMR, EA), 1 service and research unit (USR (MISHA)), 5 service unit and 6 federative research structures


A wide range of degree and training programmes covering all disciplines

  • Licences (L) : 32 disciplines
  • Masters (M) : 63 disciplines, 185 specialities
  • Doctorats (D) : 37 disciplines, 144 specialities

  • Diplômes d’études universitaires scientifiques et techniques (Deust) / University scientific and technical diploma: 5
  • Diplômes universitaires de technologie (DUT) / University technical diploma: 12
  • Licences professionnelles / Vocational Bachelor's degrees : 40
  • Engineering degrees: 8
  • Master's degree Grande Ecole in management (EM Strasbourg): 1
  • Institute of Political Studies' diploma (IEP): 1
  • International preparatory cycle: Chemistry International Studies (CPI-CHEM.I.ST) at the ECPM: 1
  • Health: 3 doctoral degrees in Medicine, Dental Surgery, Pharmacy


The University of Strasbourg, a research actor at international level

  • 1 Kavli Prize: Thomas Ebbesen, nanosciences (2014)
  • 3 Nobel Prizes: Martin Karplus, chemistry (2013) - Jules Hoffmann, physiology - medicine (2011) - Jean-Marie Lehn, chemistry (1987)
  • 3 CNRS Gold Medals: Jules Hoffmann (2011), Jean-Marie Lehn (1981), Pierre Chambon (1979)
  • 1 Fields Medal: René Thom (1958)
  • 1 Académie française member: Jules Hoffmann (2012)
  • 15 Académie des sciences members and 1 correspondant
  • 48 Institut universitaire de France members: 11 juniors, 17 seniors, 20 honorary members
  • 3 Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres members
  • 27 European Research Council (ERC) members: 16 juniors, 11 seniors
  • 10 doctoral schools belonging to the joint Doctoral College and 2406 doctoral students
  • 446 doctoral degrees awarded in 2014
  • Founding member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU)