Doctoral School of Physics and Physical Chemistry - ED 182

The Doctoral School of Physics and Physical Chemistry aims to train researchers in a variety of fields which are investigated in its 7 laboratories. A broad range of themes are researched, ranging from subatomic physics to astrophysics as well as condensed matter physics and its ramifications in nanoscience, functional materials and mesoscopic physics.


Jean-Pierre BUCHER


École doctorale physique et chimie-physique
Collège doctoral européen (CDE)
46 boulevard de la Victoire
67000 Strasbourg

Secretary : Leyla Ermis
Tel : 03 68 85 16 94 ou 03 88 10 71 55
E-mail : 

Office hours:
Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 to 12:15 and from 13:00 to 16:30

Website :

Doctoral Programmes


  • Biophysics
  • Physical chemistry
  • Nanophysics
  • Condensed matter physics
  • Elementary particles physics