Laboratory of Biophotonics and Pharmacology (LBP) - UMR 7213
Key words
Cellular and molecular pharmacology – Pharmaceutical drugs – Cellular biology – Cellular physiology – Molecular biology – Biochemistry- Piophyrics – Cellular imaging – Fluorescence spectroscopie – Molecular interaction – Fluorophore synthesis
The laboratory aims to investigate molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in HIV-1 infection, cardio-vascular diseases and integrin-related signaling in tumors, and to offer new therapeutic solutions through a multidisciplinary approach (combining physics, chemistry, pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology).
Research focus
The laboratory is organised in three research teams:
- Biophotonics of molecular and cellular interactions (Y. Mély)
- Tumoral signaling and therapeutic targets (M. Dontenwill)
- Experimental pharmacology and therapeutics (V. Schini-Kerth)
Yves Mely
Laboratoire de biophotonique et pharmacologie (LBP)
Faculté de pharmacie
74 route du Rhin - CS 60024
67401 Illkirch Cedex
Tél : 03 68 85 42 78