Research Group on Oriental, Slavonic and Modern Greek Studies (GEO) - EA 1340
Key words
Foreign Languages and Literature – Rare Languages – Cultural and Linguisitic Plurality – Interculturality – Representations
This reseach group is comprises several researchers from various departments of studies focusing on the Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Slavonic, Modern Greek, Japanese and Chinese linguistic and cultural areas.
Research focus
The group’s research covers 3 areas:
- National and minority languages
- Memory and speech, traditions and innovations
- Representation, comparisons, contrast
Irini Tsamadou Jacoberger
Groupe d'études orientales, slaves et néo-helléniques (GEO)
Bâtiment Le Patio
22 rue René Descartes - BP 80010
67084 Strasbourg Cedex
Tél : 03 68 85 60 46