Utrecht Network
Founded in 1987, the Utrecht Network is a European network of universities engaged in international cooperation activities. The group is particularly committed to promoting student and staff mobility, summer schools, the internationalisation of curricula, joint curricula and dual/joint degrees. The Utrecht Network is composed of 31 European universities in 29 countries.
> Exchanges
The Utrecht Network carries out a wide range of students and teachers mobility programmes and promotes administrative staff mobility between member universities.
Each academic year, student exchanges within the network totals about 1200 students.
The network also develops student exchanges with the USA and Australia, though the MAUI and AEN consortia.
> Projects
- EU projects
Members are jointly involved in various international EC funded projects like JOICON (good practices for the management and administration of joint programmes) and several Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window projects such as CONNEC. and EUROSA .
- Summer Schools:
The international Utrecht Network Summer Schools have become regular events. They receive strong financial support from the network, and draw on academics and students from member universities as well as from others from partner institutions within the MAUI and AEN consortia.